Frequently Asked Questions
Online Reputation is what people say about you and your brand over the internet and what they have found about you online. Online Reputation Management uses a blend of social media channels and SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) strategies among others to help you and your brand gain a good online presence. It includes not only the management of your online reputation but also the deletion of negative content or links on the social media and getting positive feedbacks from the happy customers. It comprises of Building, Monitoring, Repairing and Managing the online reputation.
Online Reputation Management is the best thing that can ever happen to a business. It helps any business to-
. Increase the sales: A better online reputation attract more customers to the business.
. Greater Recognition: ORM helps to increase the social presence of any brand or business on a greater scale. And the high visibility over social media gives sense of boldness to the customers.
. Better Trust Building: High visibility over the social media creates a better trust among the interested audience set and sales in turn.
. Useful Feedback: Managing the online presence of the business allows you to get a valid and nearly accurate feedback from it’s customers.
. Strategized Planning for Future: Monitoring the online presence of the business on a day to day basis via ORM helps to get proper feedback from the brand users. This feedback in turn helps in making a perfect strategy for future business goals.
. Remove Negative Comments from the feed: Negative comments once received, can not be deleted. So, it’s better that we manage them through ORM.
. A Perfect Brand Image: Once prepared a perfect strategy for the business and taken care of the negative comments, the Brand Image automatically becomes ‘A Grade’.
ORM helps the business to grow better and grow bold.
First thing you should do, is not to panic. We as your Reputation Manager are here for you. Contact us or fill the query form.
Actually, the time duration will depend on the size of the problem. In most of the cases it takes 24 hours to 60 working days and in some cases it may take up to 90 days.
Yes, it is fully legal. Till date, there’s no such law that declares it otherwise.
We use 30-40 different techniques to do so, depending upon the content.
We remove it permanently from all search engines.
We remove everything that the customer asks us to remove from the internet. It includes links, content, reviews, personal information, photos, videos, any kind of records etc.
Starting from $99, the cost will totally depend upon the URL/link or content that is to be removed.
You should never reply to a negative review as it becomes almost permanent once you do that. It takes a much greater effort and resources to remove such reviews.
Have you any?
Ask us questions our experts would love to help.
Ask us any question which is related to Online Reputation Management, Link Removal, Review removal, or Personal information removal.
Our ORM experts will remove it for you. ORM Frequently Asked Questions